Health Risk Assessment

A health risk assessment (HRA) is a series of questions about your lifestyle and medical history. Your answers provide an overview of your current risk for health problems.

Why should I take an HRA?

An HRA is a great way to understand your current health. If your results indicate you may be high-risk for certain conditions, we can show you simple steps to get your health back on track. When taken once a year, your HRA can help spot trends and give your doctor helpful information.

What do I need to complete an HRA?

The HRA asks questions about your lifestyle, such as smoking, and drinking. So first, you’ll need to be honest. No one sees your HRA but you. Second, you’ll need health measurements for your height/weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose. If you’re covered by a health plan, these tests are often included at no cost during an annual wellness exam, so visit your primary care provider (PCP) each year.